A Step-by-Step Guide to BOI Applications in Thailand

1024 683 Naseef Ahmed

Thailand has become a magnet for foreign investment due to its strategic location, robust infrastructure, and business-friendly policies. Among the incentives available to investors, those offered by the Board of Investment (BOI) are the most attractive. The BOI offers a range of tax and non-tax incentives to eligible businesses, making it easier to establish and operate a company in Thailand. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of applying for BOI incentives. 

  1. Understanding BOI and Its Incentives

The Board of Investment (BOI) is a government agency under the Office of the Prime Minister of Thailand. Its primary role is to promote foreign and local investments by providing a variety of incentives. The BOI supports industries that are considered vital for the country’s economic development. 

BOI incentives are categorized into 

Tax Incentives: 

  • Corporate income tax exemption for up to 13 years. 
  • Exemption or reduction of import duties on machinery and raw materials. 
  • Exemption of import duty on raw materials for export production. 

Non-Tax Incentives: 

  • Permission to own land. 
  • Facilitation of visas and work permits for foreign staff. 
  • Exemption from foreign equity restrictions in some industries. 
  1. Preparing for Your Application

Research and Feasibility Study 

Before applying, conduct thorough research and a feasibility study to ensure your project aligns with the BOI’s promoted activities. The BOI promotes various sectors, including agriculture, biotechnology, digital industries, and healthcare. 


Business Plan 

Prepare a detailed business plan. This document should outline your business objectives, market analysis, financial projections, and the expected economic impact. The business plan will be a crucial part of your application. 

Legal Entity Setup 

Decide on the legal structure of your business. Options include: 

  • Limited Company 
  • Partnership 
  • Branch Office 

Register your business entity with the Department of Business Development (DBD) in Thailand. 

  1. Application Process

Step 1: Online Application 

Start by submitting your application online through the BOI’s e-investment system. The application form requires detailed information about your project, including: 

  • Company details 
  • Project description 
  • Investment amount 
  • Employment and training plans 
  • Environmental impact assessment 

Step 2: Documentation 

Submit the necessary documents along with your application. These typically include: 

  • Business plan 
  • Feasibility study 
  • Financial statements 
  • Legal documents of the company 
  • Shareholder agreements 

Step 3: Preliminary Meeting 

After submitting your application, the BOI will schedule a preliminary meeting. This meeting allows you to present your project and clarify any questions the BOI officers may have. Be prepared to discuss the technical and financial aspects of your project in detail. 

Step 4: Project Evaluation 

The BOI will evaluate your application based on various criteria, including: 

  • Technological and innovation levels 
  • Economic impact 
  • Environmental impact 
  • Investment amount and capital structure 

This evaluation process may take several weeks to months, depending on the complexity of your project. 

Step 5: Approval 

If your project meets the BOI’s criteria, you will receive a BOI promotion certificate. This certificate outlines the incentives granted and the conditions that must be met. 

  1. Post-Approval Requirements

Project Implementation 

Upon receiving BOI approval, you must start implementing your project according to the proposed timeline. This includes: 

  • Procuring machinery and equipment 
  • Constructing facilities 
  • Hiring employees 

Compliance and Reporting 

You are required to comply with the conditions specified in the promotion certificate. Regular reporting to the BOI is mandatory to ensure compliance. Reports typically cover: 

  • Project progress 
  • Financial performance 
  • Employment data 

Utilization of Incentives 

Once your project is operational, you can start utilizing the BOI incentives. For instance: 

  • Apply for corporate tax exemption with the Revenue Department. 
  • Request import duty exemptions through the Customs Department. 
  • Process visa and work permits for foreign staff via the One-Stop Service Center for Visas and Work Permits. 

Challenges and Tips for a Successful Application 

Common Challenges 

  • Complex Documentation: The application process requires detailed and precise documentation. Missing or incorrect information can delay the approval process. 
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with Thai laws and BOI regulations is crucial. Non-compliance can result in the revocation of incentives. 
  • Cultural and Language Barriers: Navigating the application process can be challenging for foreign investors due to cultural and language differences. 

Tips for Success 

  • Stay Informed: Regularly check the BOI website for updates on policies and procedures. Staying informed can help you avoid common pitfalls. 
  • Engage a Consultant: Consider hiring a local consultant with experience in BOI applications. They can help navigate the complexities of the process. 

How We Can Help 

Navigating the BOI application process can be complex and time-consuming, but we are here to help you every step of the way. We offer comprehensive support services, including: 

  • Consultation and Feasibility Analysis: Our experts will work with you to assess your project’s viability and alignment with BOI’s promoted activities. 
  • Business Plan Preparation: We assist in crafting a detailed business plan that meets BOI requirements. 
  • Application and Documentation: We handle the entire application process, ensuring that all necessary documents are correctly prepared and submitted. 
  • Liaison with BOI: We facilitate communication with BOI officials, helping to address any queries or concerns promptly. 
  • Post-Approval Compliance: Our team supports you in meeting post-approval requirements, including regular reporting and compliance with BOI conditions. 

By leveraging our expertise and local knowledge, you can streamline your BOI application process and focus on what matters most—growing your business in Thailand. Contact us today to learn how we can make your BOI application process smooth and successful. 


Naseef Ahmed

All stories by: Naseef Ahmed

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